Saturday, December 30, 2017

A Trip Down History Lane - Corregidor Tour

Legs up!
Riding a bike will literally get you to a lot of places and destinations. You might’ve found yourself once biking all the way to your school, work, or even around the city. What’s even more fun is that there are places that can only be reached with a bike, such as trails and single-lane roads. With riding a bike, there’s not knowing where your bike (and legs) might lead you to.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Exploring New Rides - The 3rd Philippine Bicycle Demo Day

Trying out other bikes has always been a thing for other bikers, which includes me. It gives us bikers a feel of a different ride; it helps us compare and/or justify our preferences in terms of saddle height, bar widths, *insert other technical bike jargon here*, or simply, just to enjoy someone else's bike. Well, thanks to the annual Philippine Bicycle Demo Day, bikers now have a chance to try and ride those bikes that they would drool about, as well as meet other people who share the same passion.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Climbing up The Wall 1

It’s 6 o'clock on a Saturday: the sun is out, birds are chirping, and the dreadful sound of the alarm clock is nowhere to be heard. You wake up and decide to have a quick morning exercise to hopefully bring back that summer body of yours. What do you do? You get your cobweb-infested mountain bike and ride it to the mountains!